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Photo Guess 

Mobile Game

Paper Boat Apps Pvt. Ltd.

Genre: Quiz

Target group: Indian users, elder generation

Work: Game design plus finding pictures & words

Role: Game Designer

A Word Quiz Game in Hindi for the elder generation of India, who own a smart phone but sadly can't figure out how to play the new modern games. Look at the pictures. Guess the common word which represents all the pictures. Use the letters given to make the word. The game looks simple but a lot of hard work went in deciding the words and pictures and designing the entire game. 

Game Structure & Mechanics

These are six important things that were created by me for the game. It included:


Game flow

The pool of right and wrong words for every level


 Level difficulty

Words and pictures used in the game

Game interactions. 

UI Layout of the Game

I designed the layout of the game. The look of the various screens, the placements of the buttons, text and all the other small details required were planned by me and then it was transferred to the artist and the programmer for the implementation. I have shown few examples below where I placed elements in a dummy screen to convey it to the artist.

Final Screenshots
Final Video
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